How to motivate without money

Do you know how to motivate without money? If you read our recent post about how to get motivated at work you’ll know that using money to motivate your workmates doesn’t work all the time.

The problem with using money is that it can have the opposite effect and de-motivate. When your workmates consider their pay to be unfair, then it’s really hard for you to keep them motivated. And if they do believe their salary is fair, it doesn’t motive them as it’s an expected reward.

So what to do? Here are 3 simple ways you can motive your workmates without the dollars.

1 Recognise effort

It’s all too common for hardworking, dedicated workmates to complain they don’t get the recognition they deserve. Simply recognising effort and showing genuine appreciation for their work can be a fantastic reward that provides continued motivation.

So spend time each day focusing on what’s working and comment on the things your workmates are doing well.  When your workmates feel recognised it will boost their commitment, level of engagement and ongoing performance. A simple “thank you” is all it takes.

2 Give genuine feedback

Knowing you are doing a good job can be motivating in itself. Giving genuine and specific feedback to your workmates provides them with clarity on what they do well and also tells them what they can improve on. Look for ways you can help them grow within their role and give them opportunities to learn new skills, knowledge and behaviours.

3 Remove barriers

Talk to your workmates regularly on a one-to-one basis to find out what matters most to them. Find out what they love and hate about their jobs (or at least what they find frustrating). Where possible, get rid of the things that annoy them about the company and their role. Remove any barriers for them to get stuff done.

Use these simple tips to get your workmates motivated.



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