build rapport

How to manage your reputation

1 Manage your personal brand or others will

Everything about what you do and say tells the story of who you are. Like it or not, other’s perceptions of you are their reality. How you present yourself through posture, voice, facial expressions, communication style and appearance all matter a great deal.

Do a quick personal brand audit by asking 10 people who know you well to give you the top 5 words that come to mind when they think of you. Then assess if these words match the image that you want to project.

2 Be authentic, relevant and memorable

Strong brands need little explanation – they represent something distinctive and memorable. Get really clear on the 3-5 descriptive elements that make you genuinely distinctive. What do you want to be known for (in a good way!)?

Ensure this is the consistent image you project to your colleagues, clients and through your online profile. Consistency builds credibility.

3 Be visible and show genuine interest

Be fully engaged and aware of the people you interact with. Make a conscious effort to sit beside the most important person in a meeting. Contribute to discussions by asking thought-provoking questions, listening fully and maintaining eye contact.

That’s all it takes to show people you are interested and makes others want to be around you and remember you.

Use these simple tips to manage your personal brand and build credibility.


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