How to stay motivated and reach your goals

Source: Infographic from Funders and Founders

Your 2018 goals and resolutions may already be distant memories as you get sucked back into your daily habits. Now is a great time to strengthen your resolve, stay motivated, and get back on track for the remaining part of the year. Here are our 3 top tips for how to do just that.

1 Remember the why

Remind yourself of the importance of achieving the results you want. What’s the return you’ll gain? Why are these results the most important ones to you? Identify the top 3 reasons why you should invest your time on these goals. The bigger the reasons the more motivated you’ll be to keep going.

2 Reward yourself along the way

You – and your brain – love rewards. Plan lots of small, regular rewards to celebrate your progress along the way. Choose simple things you enjoy – like a morning off, a walk in the park, a massage or a concert ticket. You’ll get pleasure from these small treats and reenergised to keep making progress.

3 Rebound from setbacks

Plans rarely play out as you expect as no plan is fool-proof. Know that things are going to get in the way of your progress. Things like people, systems, competing priorities or your own tendency to fall back on old habits. When you hit a setback – don’t quit, it’s just a Dip, a temporary setback that will get better if you keep pushing. Recognise the setback, remember the why and keep going.

Use these simple tips to stay motivated and reach your goals this year.


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