How to add 10 extra years to your life

Use these simple tips to boost your resilience to lead a full (and longer) life – with no regrets.

So how do you live longer? This post will help you add 10 extra years to your life! Provided you take action that is.

1 Get active every hour

Don’t sit still for more than one hour at a time. Stand up and do something active. This can be as simple as walking to the other side of your office, doing a few stretches or tackling a tiny mental challenge without giving up. Set a notification on your phone or computer to alert you to move every 60 minutes. These simple activities will boost both your physical and mental resilience – improving your willpower, mental focus and determination.

2 Keep in touch

Stay connected to your work community, friends and family. Actively seek out a mentor and workmates that support and encourage you to be curious and explore your goals.

Make the time to connect and express your care, spending time with the people you’re connected to. It’s so easy to get caught up in stuff that doesn’t really matter. Take time to step away a minute to look outside of your current environment.

All these moments will boost your social and emotional resilience. Building your network of support gives you strength and boosts your ability to provoke powerful positive emotions like curiosity and gratitude.

3 The magic 3:1 positive emotion ratio

Activate and experience three positive emotions for every one negative emotion over a course of an hour, a day, a week. Over time, focusing on what’s working (rather than what’s not) will dramatically improve your health and your ability to tackle any challenge you encounter.

Adapted from Jane McGonigal’s “The game that can give you 10 extra years of life” TED Talk.


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