How to plan your goals and take action

Use these simple tips to get clear on your goal, map your actions and get going fast.

Plan goals and take action. Planning can be a boring exercise yet you know the value in getting clear on what you want and the direction you want to go. Here’s a different way to plan to make it more focused, effective and fun.

1 Create a K.I.S.S. headline

Describe your goal in no more than 6 words. Use simple language that is meaningful and memorable. Write this in big, colourful letters on a piece of A4 paper and stick it on your wall where you will see it every day. Keep your goal top of mind and you will begin to see ideas for how to reach it everywhere you look.

2 Act as if

Imagine you have already reached your goal. Get a friend or workmate to “interview” you to reflect on the steps you took using these questions:

  • What were the biggest challenges you faced? How did you overcome them?
  • Looking back to when you first got started, what was the first thing you did back then?
  • Then what did you do? What did that lead to?
  • What was the next big step for you?
  • If there were 3 keys to your success, what would you say they were?
  • If there was a piece of advice that you could have given yourself when you got started, what would it have been?

Recap your answers to the above as these are your action steps. Ensure you have at least 5 actions and then choose 1 action to get started with this week.

3 Be resourceful

Seek out knowledge, expertise and support to get the results you want. What resources can you leverage that will help you achieve your results even faster? Helpful expertise can come in many forms such as books, business magazines, case studies, articles, blogs, Google, TED Talks, YouTube, time and talking to experienced people. Identify at least 3 resources you will proactively use to help you towards your goal.


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